We have partnered with American Forests, a national organization protecting and sustaining forests.
When you purchase from Serendipity Collection, you are supporting a company that believes in protecting and sustaining our forests. Through our donations and support, American Forests has been able to plant trees on a annual basis. Since American Forests was founded (1875), they have planted 47,095,151 trees. Without support from companies such as Serendipity Collection, this would not be possible. American Forests, along with Serendipity Collection dream of a world where forests are thriving and valued for their significant environmental, economic, and societal benefits.
In 1990, The Global ReLeaf Program was founded and plants trees all around the world. Thanks to American Forests, and the partnership of Serendipity Collection, trees are being planted to absorb toxic gases like carbon dioxide, offer habitat for wildlife. clean water ways and give people beautiful places to enjoy. Serendipity Collection will continue supporting American Forests and the Global ReLeaf Program through our donations and commitment to preserving our forests.
Your purchases of flooring through Serendipity Collection help toward investing in the reforestation of our world. Thank you for supporting a company that cares about the future of our forests and environment.